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Dr. Refaat al-Hanbali
Rheumatology Specialist
Dr. Riad Amer
Consultant Hematologist
Dr. Rzan Malhis
Hematologist -Oncologist
Dr. Sajed Majadlah
Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
Dr. Samer Bustame
Pediatric Surgery Specialist
Dr. Sami Bahar
Pediatric Nephrology Consultant
Dr. Sedki Assi
Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist
Dr. Shadi J khelfa
Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Endoscopy
Dr. Shadi Jahshan
Neurosurgery and Neuroendovascular Consultant
Dr. Sultan Musleh
Pediatric Hematology /Oncology Consultant
Dr. Sultan Snouber
Vascular Surgeon Specialist
Dr. Wafiq Othman
Anesthesiologist and Intensive Care Consultant
Dr. Yahya Ismail
Cardiologist Consultant
Dr. Yousef Shanti
Ophthalmology Consultant
Dr. Yunis Daralammouri
Cardiologist and Rhythmologist Consultant
Dr. Zaidan Abu Zant
Orthopedic specialist
Dr. Zakaria Hamdan
Dr.Mohammed Alahmad
Cardiac Surgeon Specialist