Dr. Zakaria Hamdan

Dr. Zakaria Hamdan

Dr. Zakaria Hamdan


Dr. Zakaria Hamdan has been practicing medicine for 15 years, specializing in nephrology. He currently serves as the Medical Director of the Kidney Disease Treatment Center at An-Najah National University Hospital.
He completed his undergraduate medical education at Ponce School of Medicine and graduated in 2002. He specialized in nephrology at the University of Texas San Antonio in 2005. Dr. Zakaria has also published numerous distinguished research studies in his field.

  • He is the head of the Kidney Disease Treatment Center at An-Najah National University Hospital.
  • He is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at An-Najah National University.
  • He holds American board certification in internal medicine and nephrology.
  • He is certified in nephrology by the Palestinian Medical Council.