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Dr. Alaa Aqqad

Dr. Alaa Aqqad

Dr. Alaa Aqqad

Chest and bronchial Diseases Specialist

Dr. Alaa' Aqqad has been practicing medicine since 2012. She is a specialist in pulmonary diseases and bronchoscopic procedures, currently working in the Department of Internal Medicine at Al-Najah National University Hospital.
She completed her general medical studies at the University of Tunis Al Manar, Tunisia, graduating in 2012. Dr. Aqqad pursued her specialization in the field of pulmonary diseases at the same university, completing her residency in 2019. She has published approximately 5 medical research papers and has participated in 20 medical research projects.
Additional Skills:
Dr. Alaa' is proficient in the French language in addition to English.

She holds both Tunisian and Palestinian board certifications in pulmonary diseases.
She obtained the European certification in the field of pulmonary diseases.
  • She holds an additional certificate in sleep disorders from Tunisia.
  • She also has an additional certificate in lung cancer.
  • She holds an additional certificate in immunology and allergy.
  • She is a member of the European Respiratory Society.
  • She is a member of the Tunisian Society for Pulmonary Diseases.
  • She serves as a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Al-Najah National University.