Dr. Sami Bahar

Dr. Sami Bahar

Dr. Sami Bahar

Pediatric Nephrology Consultant

Dr. Sami Bahar has been practicing medicine for 23 years and is a pediatric nephrology specialist. He currently works in the Pediatric Department at An-Najah National University Hospital.
He studied general medicine in Russia and graduated in 2000, specializing in pediatrics in Jerusalem. He completed a Canadian fellowship program in pediatric nephrology.
He is also a member of the Canadian Society of Pediatric Nephrology.

  • He is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at An-Najah National University.
  • Holds a Bachelor's degree in General Medicine from Russia.
  • Holds a specialization certificate in Pediatrics from Jerusalem.
  • Has completed a Canadian fellowship program in Pediatric Nephrology.
  • A member of the Canadian Society of Pediatric Nephrology.
  • Holds the European Board Certification in Pediatric Nephrology.
  • Holds the Palestinian Board Certification in Pediatrics.