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Dr. Abdelkarim Mahmoud
General and Laparoscopic Surgery Consultant
Dr. Abdul Kareem Adas
Thoracic Surgery Specialist
Dr. Abdul-Raheem Abu Shanab
Dr. Abdulkareem Saymeh
Dr. Abdulrahman awad
Dr. Adham Abu Taha
Director Laboratory
Dr. Adli Idris
اختصاصي جراحة الأوعية الدموية والقسطرة
Dr. Ahmad Abu Hassan
Neurologist and Neurophysiologist Specialist
Dr. Ahmad Anaya
Kidney disease and high blood pressure specialist
Dr. Ahmad Dalbah
Consultant General, Breast and Reconstructive Surgery
Dr. Ahmad Ghanem
Diagnostic Radiologist and Nonvascular Intervention
Dr. Ahmad Hamadneh
Emergency Medicine Specialist
Dr. Alaa Aqqad
Chest and bronchial Diseases Specialist
Dr. Alaa Rostom
General and Laparoscopic Surgery Specialist
Dr. Ali Sbateen
Infectious Diseases Consultant
Dr. Almir Qatmosh
Internal Medicine Specialist
Dr. Amer Asia
Internal Diseases Specialist
Dr. Ammar Aghbar
Dr. Amr Alaqraa
Heart surgery
Dr. Anas Yasin
Ophthalmology and surgery, specializing in pediatric eye and strabismus surgery, plastic surgery and restoration of the eyelids, bloodstream and eye sockets, ocular neurology and the optic nerve.