Dr. Ammar Aghbar

Dr. Ammar Aghbar

Dr. Ammar Aghbar


Dr. Ammar Al-Aghbar is a specialist in ophthalmology with a precise sub-specialization in glaucoma. He currently works at the Ophthalmology and LASIK Center at Al-Najah National University Hospital.
He studied general medicine at Al-Najah National University and specialized in ophthalmology. He completed his precise sub-specialization in glaucoma at Glaucoma University in India.
Dr. Ammar is a member of the European Society of White Cataract and Refractive Corrections.

Additional Skills: 

Dr. Ammar is proficient in the Hindi language in addition to English.

  • He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Optometry at Al-Najah National University.
  • He holds a Bachelor of Medicine degree from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Al-Najah National University.
  • He is a specialist in ophthalmology with a precise sub-specialization in glaucoma, obtained in India.
  • He holds the Palestinian Board in Ophthalmology.
  • He holds the British Fellowship in Ophthalmology (MRCS) from Edinburgh.
  • He holds the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) board certification in ophthalmology.
  • He has Indian practice in ophthalmology.
  • He is a member of the European Society of White Cataract and Refractive Corrections.