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The Urology Surgery Center at An-Najah National University Hospital is dedicated to providing exceptional and advanced medical care to patients. The center has assembled a team of highly competent and experienced urological surgeons who offer the latest in technology for the treatment of urological diseases. They rely on state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic equipment to provide high-quality care and are committed to continuous medical education.
The clinic offers a range of clinical procedures, including:
  • Urodynamic Study (bladder function assessment)
  • Uroflowmetry (urine flow rate measurement)
  • Flexible Cystoscopy (bladder examination using a flexible scope)
  • Shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction
  • Imaging of the urinary and reproductive system
  • Self-catheterization for urinary bladder
  • Prostate biopsies using TV-guided imaging as a routine daily procedure.

Doctor's Clinics