A team of researchers at An-Najah National University and An-Najah National University Hospital conducted a clinical study to compare the effectiveness of coronary angiography using the radial artery versus the femoral artery. This groundbreaking study was published in an international journal specializing in interventional cardiology and is considered the first of its kind in the world.
The research team, led by Dr. Younis Dar Amouri, Head of the Cardiology and Catheterization Department at An-Najah National University Hospital, conducted this medical research based on their expertise in caring for heart patients. The study spanned three years and concluded that the radial approach (using the radial artery) in coronary angiography is a promising and safe method for both imaging coronary vessels and therapeutic interventions.
Dr. Dar Amouri emphasized that the success rate of this method depends on patient selection and the experience of the medical team. He also highlighted the importance of achieving a high success rate with shorter procedure times for both imaging and therapeutic interventions. Incorporating this strategy into the options for arterial access in the cardiac catheterization operating room is crucial, especially in cases where the radial artery needs to be preserved, such as during kidney dialysis.
Dr. Saeed Zyoud, Head of the Clinical Research Department at the hospital, noted that the medical research team's response aligns with the hospital and university's strategies in creating a scientific research environment to reach evidence-based results and treatment protocols. He emphasized that this remarkable achievement in the field of medicine and healthcare serves as a fundamental tool to promote cardiac research in Palestine and support the growing national efforts in this field. Dr. Zyoud further stated that this study marks the beginning of establishing a research reference point for the State of Palestine, driving research advancements in the field of precision medicine and ultimately improving the quality of life for Palestinian citizens.