A delegation from An-Najah National University Hospital honored the Palestinian Civil Defense Directorate in Nablus on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, during a visit to the directorate's headquarters. This was in recognition of their outstanding efforts in establishing safety standards at the hospital, which positively contributed to the hospital obtaining the international accreditation certificate JCI.
The delegation was led by Dr. Kamal Hajazi, the hospital's CEO, Dr. Mohammad Hanoun, Director of Public Relations, and the General Safety Engineering team. They were received by Major Ayoub Tanbour, Director of the Civil Defense in Nablus, Captain Ayman Burq, Director of General Safety at the Palestinian Civil Defense in Nablus, Captain Maysin Da'as, General Safety Engineer, and Major Mahmoud Masleh, Director of Public Relations.
The hospital's administration praised the Palestinian Civil Defense Directorate for its generous efforts in providing services to the Palestinian people.