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Objectives and Goals

The establishment of the first center for clinical research in Palestine aims to achieve the following: 

  • Facilitating Research Activities

Supporting and facilitating research activities in the hospital by providing a database for doctors and all healthcare providers interested in research, according to their areas of interest. Providing technical support such as statistical analysis and administrative support, including research assistants, study coordinators, and facility support such as information technology, statistical software, and more.


  • Research Protocol Registration

Assisting in the registration of research protocols with the Institutional Review Board (IRB).


  • Capacity Building and Increased Output

Developing research capabilities for those working in the clinical field, increasing clinical research output, and writing and submitting research projects in this field to international donor organizations.


  • Documentation and Monitoring

Improving methods for documenting patient files, collecting and entering data, and analyzing it. Monitoring the ethics of scientific research and facilitating communication between departments within the clinical research team.


  • Process Improvement

Implementing and improving procedures related to clinical research in accordance with "Good Clinical Practice" guidelines, which will be used to improve patient outcomes.