رسالة المركز
تتمثل رسالتنا في تقديم البحوث التعاونية، لإيجاد الحلول العلمية والعملية في الوقاية والتشخيص والمعالجة من الحالات الصحية المؤثرة على المجتمع.
رؤية المركز
أن يكون مركزنا ضمن مراكز الأبحاث الرائدة في البحوث السريرية ومتابعتها بمعايير عالمية، وتطوير النتائج البحثية العالمية بما تتلائم مع أغراض البحث العلمي لدينا.
Overview of the Department
Research and Development Center at An-Najah Educational Hospital
An-Najah Educational Hospital is an important and fundamental source for disseminating scientific research in various medical fields. It excels in providing quality services and enriching the healthcare system with high-quality research. This enhances the progress of the university and the hospital in most international rankings and classifications. Most universities with teaching hospitals are ranked highly in global rankings of universities and healthcare institutions.
In order to ensure the improvement of the healthcare sector in Palestine, the idea of establishing a center for scientific clinical research at An-Najah Educational Hospital emerged. This center aims to publish numerous research studies that support the healthcare sector, in line with the available resources.