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Published Papers

Research Name. Authors Journal Name Published at Link
Autoimmune pancreatitis with IgG-4 cholangiopathy in a pregnant woman: A case report
Ameerah Y, Musmar B, Awadghanem A, Abdo Q Radiology Case Reports 2023
Small bowel adenocarcinoma in a Crohn's disease patient presenting as small bowel obstruction: a case report
Barqawi A, Rostom A, Sweileh M Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal 2023
Exploring the Perceptions of Nurses on Receiving the SARS CoV-2 Vaccine in Palestine: A Qualitative Study
Belkebir S, Maraqa B, Nazzal Z, Abdullah A, Yasin F, Al-Shakhrah K, Zink T The Canadian journal of nursing research = Revue canadienne de recherche en sciences infirmieres 2023
Vitamin D level, pain severity and quality of life among hemodialysis patients: a cross-sectional study
Ishtawi S, Jomaa D, Nizar A, Abdalla M, Hamdan Z, Nazzal Z Scientific Reports 2023
Clinically functional outcome of anatomically irreducible C3 pilon fracture classified depending on C.T. scan guidance and managed with Ilizarov method: a case report from Palestine
Issa K Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal 2023
Shedding light on community pharmacist-directed point-of-care screening and education for patients with kidney stones: Implications and future research
Jairoun AA, Al-Hemyari SS, El-Dahiyat F, Shahwan M, Zyoud SH, Abu-Gharbieh E, Suaifan G, Godman B, Kurdi A Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2023
Development and Validation of an Instrument to Appraise the Tolerability, Safety of Use, and Pleasantness of a Cosmetic Product
Jairoun AA, Al-Hemyari SS, Shahwan M, El-Dahiyat F, Zyoud SH, Jairoun O, Shayeb MA Cosmetics 2023
Epidemiology and source of infection in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia: an experience from a developing country
Joudeh N, Sawafta E, Abu Taha A, Hamed Allah M, Amer R, Odeh RY, Salameh H, Sabateen A, Aiesh BM, Zyoud SH BMC Infectious Diseases 2023
Tolerability and epidemiology of nephrotoxicity associated with conventional amphotericin B therapy: a retrospective study in tertiary care centers in Palestine
Abdel-Hafez, Y., Siaj, H., Janajri, M. et al BMC Nephrology 2023
Spontaneous ureteric perforation: A rare complication of tuberculosis
Akkawi M, Abu Alwafa R, Abatli S, Awadghanem A, Aghbar A, Abushamma F Urol Case Rep 2023
Tolerability and epidemiology of nephrotoxicity associated with conventional amphotericin B therapy: a retrospective study in tertiary care centers in Palestine
Abdel-Hafez Y, Siaj H, Janajri M, Abu-Baker Y, Nazzal Z, Hamdan Z, Adwan R, Aiesh BM, Anaya AI BMC Nephrology 2022
Health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in Palestinians with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional study
Abu Hamdeh H, Al-Jabi SW, Koni A, Zyoud SH BMC Rheumatology 2022
Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis in West bank of Palestine
Abuawad M, Ziyadeh-Isleem A, Alkaiyat A, Ziyadeh J, Afifi B, Saidi M, Sous A Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2022
Calyceal Diverticula Disease: Diagnosis and Management Options in the Era of Non-Contrast CT Scan
Abushamma F, Ito H, Aboumarzouk O, Timoney A, Collin N, Keeley FX Urologia Internationalis 2022
Patterns of microbial resistance in bloodstream infections of hemodialysis patients: a cross-sectional study from Palestine
AbuTaha SA, Al-Kharraz T, Belkebir S, Abu Taha A, Zyoud SH Scientific Reports 2022
Carbamazepine Induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome That Developed into Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: Review of the Literature
Abuzneid YS, Alzeerelhouseini HIA, Rabi D, Hilail I, Rjoob H, Rabee A, Amro N, Qafisheh Q, Kharraz M Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine 2022
The vulnerability of maintenance dialysis patients with COVID-19: mortality and risk factors from a developing country
Ahmed N, Khderat AH, Sarsour A, Taher A, Hammoudi A, Hamdan Z, Nazzal Z Annals of Medicine 2022
Medical students' knowledge, attitudes and awareness toward organ donation
Akbulut S, Demyati K, Toman I, Gaygili Z, Kaya S, Akpolat VR, Cing A, Keles TY, Saritas H, Unsal S, Ozer A Transplant Immunology 2022
Coexistence of tuberculosis and extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of the thyroid gland: Case report and literature review
Akbulut S, Demyati K, Yavuz R, Sogutcu N, Samdanci ET, Yagmur Y Annals of Medicine and Surgery 2022
Tissue Heavy Metals in Liver Diseases
Akbulut S, Isik B, Mehdi Uremis M, Dogan UG, Sahin TT, Sarici KB, Koc C, Demyati K, Dirican A, Turkoz Y, Yilmaz S Transplantation Proceedings 2022
Assessment of Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Organ Donation Among School Teachers: First National Survey Study
Akbulut S, Ozer A, Firinci B, Demyati K, Saritas H, Yilmaz S Transplantation Proceedings 2022
Role of plasma homocysteine levels and other associated factors with coronary artery disease among palestinian patients in North Palestine: a case control study
Alawneh I, Saymeh A, Daraghmeh M, Jabri D, Yaseen L Pan African Medical Journal 2022
Association between ulcerative colitis and Helicobacter pylori infection: A case-control study
Ali I, Abdo Q, Al-Hihi SM, Shawabkeh A Heliyon 2022
The relationship between self-efficacy and treatment satisfaction among patients with anticoagulant therapy: a cross-sectional study from a developing country
Al-Jabi SW, Dalu AA, Koni AA, Khdour MR, Taha AA, Amer R, Zyoud SH Thrombosis Journal 2022
Factors Associated with Nonadherence to Life Style Modifications among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Cross-sectional Study from Palestine†.
Al-Ramahi R, Zyoud S, Al-Haj A, Bitar A, Bakkar D, Bzour M, Maqboul Q, Aqqad S Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal 2022