To view the radiology and laboratory results, please visit the link:Patient Portal

Available Services:

  • Developing and implementing policies and procedures for infection control and disease transmission-based precautions, as well as disseminating and monitoring them within the hospital
  • Obtaining results of antibiotic-resistant bacteria tests and implementing isolation protocols for each type, and lifting isolation according to approved protocols
  • Reporting communicable diseases to the Palestinian Ministry of Health
  • Monitoring statistics related to healthcare-associated infections
  • Activating policies for patient preparation before and after surgical procedures
  • Monitoring compliance with antibiotic therapy policies and wound care within departments or outpatient clinics, etc
  • Ensuring adherence to the approved guidelines for isolation precautions in healthcare facilities and improving bed management in isolation units
  • Monitoring antibiotic dispensing and supervising their optimal use, as well as tracking patient culture results and antibiotic dosages
  • Participating in World Hand Hygiene Day and organizing awareness campaigns
  • Providing lectures for medical staff and cleaning personnel and training them practically on infection control principles and monitoring
  • Conducting regular field visits to all hospital departments and outpatient clinics
  • Participating in hospital activities related to patient, medical staff health, safety, and quality
  • Designing posters and periodic publications related to infection control
  • Educating patients and their families
  • Monitoring sterilization, kitchen, and laundry departments, as well as construction and renovation activities
  • Implementing and monitoring policies related to occupational health and safety (vaccinations, accidents, monitoring needlestick injuries and sharp object injuries, and following up)
  • Conducting scientific research in the field of infection control